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Equity Analysis
An Equity Analysis is a review of your clients' history and current state through a DEI lens. It includes two important parts: a review of your clients' policies and procedures, and analysis of their available data.
Your clients' policies, procedures, and other documents will be reviewed by our team with a DEI lens. This is not a legal review, but will provide areas of strength and areas of opportunity for your client to make their policies and procedures more objective and inclusive.
Our team of data analysts will also analyze your clients' demographic data and other available data, including turnover data, performance reviews, bonus and salary information, promotion data, exit interview data, training and development data, and more. We will evaluate the data to see if there are substantial differences between majority and minority groups.
An Equity Analysis is the perfect start for any DEI consulting process.
Please contact us to discuss adding Equity Analysis to your services.
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